Welcome to the Ejanya blog, where we share insights, updates, and information about our products, services, and the world of Ejanya. We are thrilled to have you here as a part of our community. Explore our blog to stay updated and informed on all things Ejanya!

This page explains the terms by which you may use our online and mobile services, website, and software provided on or in connection with the Services. These terms apply to all sites to which link to these terms, including, but not limited to ejanya.in.

By using the Services, creating an account and checking the "I agree" (or similar) box, or otherwise accessing or using the Services,

(1) agree that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service (these “Terms”)

(2) also that you have read and acknowledge the collection and use of your information as set forth in our privacy policy whether or not you are a registered user of the Services.

Whether you're a newcomer or a longtime member, we encourage you to explore the vast resources, engage with our content, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for [insert the topic, interest, or purpose of Ejanya]. At Ejanya, we believe in [mention core values or principles], and we're committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all our users.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our terms and conditions, privacy policies, and community guidelines, which govern your use of Ejanya. We want to ensure that your experience here is enjoyable, informative, and beneficial for everyone involved.

Thank you for being a part of the Ejanya community. We look forward to the exciting journey ahead, full of opportunities for [mention what users can expect or gain from Ejanya]. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us. We value your input and are here to support you in your exploration of Ejanya.

Let's embark on this journey together.

[Contact Information]

When users sign up or engage with a platform like "Ejanya," it's essential to have an "Acceptance of Terms and Conditions" section that outlines the terms and conditions users must agree to. Here's a sample "Acceptance of Terms and Conditions" statement for "Ejanya":

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions for Ejanya

By accessing, using, or participating in any way with the Ejanya platform, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using Ejanya. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you may not use our platform. 

1. By accessing or using Ejanya, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you are using Ejanya on behalf of an organization or entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to these terms and conditions, and in such case, "you" and "your" will refer to that entity. 

2. Ejanya reserves the right to modify or revise these terms and conditions at any time. We will provide notice of such changes, and the revised terms will become effective on the date they are posted. Your continued use of Ejanya after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new terms. 

3. You agree not to use Ejanya for any purpose that is prohibited by these terms or by applicable laws. Your use of Ejanya is subject to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. 

4. Your use of Ejanya is also governed by our Privacy Policy. Please review our Privacy Policy, which explains how we collect, use, and share data in connection with your use of Ejanya. 

5. Ejanya reserves the right to terminate or suspend your account and access to the platform if you violate these terms and conditions. Such termination can occur with or without notice, and Ejanya will not be liable for any losses or damages resulting from such termination. 

6. If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact us at

7. By using Ejanya, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use our platform. 


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us using our Support Form

Use of Our Service

1. Eligibility. You may use the Service only if you can form a binding contract with us, and only in compliance with these Terms and all applicable local, state, provincial, national, and international laws, rules and regulations. Any use or access to the Service by anyone under 13 is strictly prohibited and in violation of these Terms. The Service is not available to any Users previously removed from the Service by ejanya.in.

2. Our Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms, you are hereby granted a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable, freely revocable right to use the Services for your use only as permitted by the features of the Service and by these Terms. ejanya reserves all rights not expressly granted herein in the Services and the Content ( as defined below). ejanya may revoke this right at any time for any reason or no reason.

3. Your Account. Your account gives you access to the services and features that we may establish, maintain, and modify, from time to time and in our sole discretion. We may maintain different types of accounts for different types of Users, which may provide access to additional or different Services or features of those Services. By connecting to the Services with a third-party service (e.g., via your Facebook or Google account), you give us permission to access and use your information from that service as permitted by that service, and to store your login credentials for that service. You are responsible for tracking all activity on your own account, and you agree to the following:

1. To store all passwords and usernames securely.

2. To notify us of any unauthorized use or security breach. We will not be liable for any liability, damage, cost, loss or expense caused by or in connection with any unauthorized use of your account.

3. To never share login details or account access with anyone, including clients or team members, unless explicitly permitted by additional terms applicable to your account type.

4. To accept responsibility for activity that occurs under your accounts.

Monitoring and Enforcement; Termination

ejanya reserves the right to monitor downloads and user activity to ensure compliance with the terms of these Terms and the applicable License, which we may update from time to time in our sole discretion. We further reserve the right to monitor downloads and user activity for security of our Services, fraud detection, and protection of our Users and to ensure compliance with applicable laws. We may, without notice, change the Service, stop providing the Service or features of the Service, or create usage limits for the Service. We may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend your access to the Service without notice or liability for any reason, including if in our sole determination you violate any provision of these Terms, or for no reason. We may remove or refuse to post any User Content (defined below) for any reason or no reason in our sole discretion. We will not be liable for any loss or corruption of User Content you provide to the Services. Upon termination for any reason or no reason, you continue to be bound by these Terms.

Notifications and Emails

By providing us with your email address, you consent to ejanya using the email address to send you Service-related notices, including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail. Subject to applicable law, we may also use your email address to send you other messages, such as changes to features of the Service and special offers ("Newsletters"). We may provide other notifications, whether such notifications are required by law or are for marketing or other business-related purposes, to you via email notice, "push" mobile notifications, written or hard copy notice, or through posting of such notice on our website, as determined by us in our sole discretion (in accordance with applicable law). We reserve the right to determine the form and means of providing notifications to our Users. We are not responsible for any automatic filtering you or your network provider may apply to email notifications we send to the email address you provide us. You can manage your email and notifications preferences on your account settings page. In the case of any newsletter or other marketing initiatives, you can withdraw your consent to receiving those communications and unsubscribe to those communications at any time by clicking “Unsubscribe” at the bottom of such communication or by contacting support@ejanya.in. Doing so may have a material impact on our ability to provide the Services to you and we are not responsible if you do so.

User Content.

1. Some areas of the Services allow Users to post content outside of Assets for sale (which are governed by additional terms, such as our Shop Terms), such as profile information, screenshots, comments, images, files, job postings, and other content or information. Any such material a User submits, posts, displays, or otherwise makes available on the Service is "User Content". User Content includes, without limitation, logos, trademarks and service marks, trade names, and other information posted by users, which may be used by us for marketing and promotional purposes pursuant to the User Content license grant below. You agree to abide by all other applicable terms, such as ejanya Community Guidelines (which we may modify from time to time), when you post User Content and interact with other Users of the Services. You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Users. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor disputes between you and other Users. We have no liability for your interactions with other Users, or for any User's action or inaction.

2. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, your User Content. That is the case regardless of whether the User Content in question constitutes text, graphics, sound, or other media formats. By making User Content available through the Services, you represent and warrant that:

The downloading, copying and use of the User Content will not infringe the proprietary rights, including but not limited to the copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret rights, of any third party.

If your employer has rights to intellectual property you create, you have either. received permission from your employer to post or make available the User Content, including but not limited to any software. Secured from your employer a waiver as to all rights in or to the User Content.

You have fully complied with any third-party licenses relating to the User Content and have done all things necessary to successfully pass through to end users any required terms. The User Content does not contain or install any viruses or other harmful or destructive content.

The User Content is not spam, is not machine- or randomly generated, and does not contain unethical or unwanted commercial content designed to drive traffic to third party sites or boost the search engine rankings of third-party sites, or to further unlawful acts (such as phishing) or mislead recipients as to the source of the material (such as spoofing). The Content is not obscene, libelous or defamatory, hateful or racially or ethnically objectionable, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party; and You have, in the case of User Content that includes computer code, accurately categorized and/or described the type, nature, uses and effects of the materials, whether requested to do so by ejanya or otherwise.

While you maintain all rights, including copyrights, that you own or control in User Content, you hereby grant the following licenses to your User Content:

1. To ejanya, by posting any User Content on the Services, you expressly grant, and you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant, to ejanya a royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, list information regarding, edit, translate, distribute, syndicate, publicly perform, publicly display, and make derivative works of all such User Content and your name, voice, and/or likeness as contained in your User Content, in whole or in part, and in any form, media or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, for use in connection with the Services and ejanya business, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Service (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. ejanya may, but is not obliged, to cite you as the owner of such User Content in our marketing or other communications.

You have fully complied with any third-party licenses relating to the User Content and have done all things necessary to successfully pass through to end users any required terms. The User Content does not contain or install any viruses or other harmful or destructive content.
The User Content is not spam, is not machine- or randomly generated, and does not contain unethical or unwanted commercial content designed to drive traffic to third party sites or boost the search engine rankings of third-party sites, or to further unlawful acts (such as phishing) or mislead recipients as to the source of the material (such as spoofing).
The Content is not obscene, libelous or defamatory, hateful or racially or ethnically objectionable, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party; and You have, in the case of User Content that includes computer code, accurately categorized and/or described the type, nature, uses and effects of the materials, whether requested to do so by ejanya or otherwise.

While you maintain all rights, including copyrights, that you own or control in User Content, you hereby grant the following licenses to your User Content:

  1. To ejanya, by posting any User Content on the Services, you expressly grant, and you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant, to ejanya a royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, list information regarding, edit, translate, distribute, syndicate, publicly perform, publicly display, and make derivative works of all such User Content and your name, voice, and/or likeness as contained in your User Content, in whole or in part, and in any form, media or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, for use in connection with the Services and ejanya business, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Service (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. ejanya may, but is not obliged, to cite you as the owner of such User Content in our marketing or other communications.
  2. To Other Users, you also hereby grant each User of the Service a non-exclusive license to access your User Content through the Service, as permitted through the functionality of the Services and under these Terms.

Additional User Content Prohibitions

You agree not to post User Content that:

  1. Is pornographic, fraudulent, immoral, infringing, illegal, harassing, offensive, or defamatory material.
  2. May create a risk of harm, loss, physical or mental injury, emotional distress, death, disability, disfigurement, or physical or mental illness to you, to any other person, or to any animal.
  3. May create a risk of any other loss or damage to any person or property.
  4. Seeks to harm or exploit children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable details or otherwise.
  5. May constitute or contribute to a crime or tort.
  6. Contains any information or content that we deem to be unlawful, harmful, abusive, racially, or ethnically offensive, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, harassing, humiliating to other people (publicly or otherwise), libelous, threatening, profane, or otherwise objectionable.
  7. Contains any information or content that is illegal (including, without limitation, the disclosure of insider information under securities law or of another party's trade secrets).
  8. Contains any information or content that would violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party.
  9. Contains any information or content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships.
  10. Contains any information or content that you know is not correct and current.

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